Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Refund Policy

What's your refund policy?

If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with your online learning experience, please contact Relias Learning Support and we'll make every effort to correct the situation. For complete details on our return policy, please click here. You can also visit our customer support page for several ways to engage our support resources.


What requirements do I need on my computer to take your courses?

Relias Academy has been tested in environments using most modern web browsers set to allow "pop-ups" from our sites. Some courses require audio, video, or adobe flash compatible hardware and software. Click here for a more detailed System Requirements document.


Do I have to take my course in one sitting or can I take it when I have time?

Relias Academy online courses are designed for convenience. Online Courses will bookmark the location where you left the course and give you the opportunity to return to your previous location when returning to the course. Video courses will return you to the beginning of the video.


How do I get back to my courses after I logout?

In order to purchase courses on Relias Academy you were required to create a user account. When returning to the site, you may log in with the email address and password provided when you created your account. You'll find a "login" link on the upper right hand corner of the home page. You will also be prompted to login or create a user account if you attempt to make a purchase or access CE-Select. Click here to login.

Multiple Users

How do I purchase courses for multiple users?

Courses and course packages can be purchased for use by others using the Relias Academy token system. Purchased tokens can be emailed to other learners who can use them to access the course. Click here for more information about our token system.

Completion Requirements

What are the course completion requirements?

In order to receive continuing education credits, you must review all of the course content, achieve an 80% score on the post-test and complete the course evaluation.


How do I access my certificates of completion?

After reviewing all course material, you'll need to pass the attached final exam AND complete the learner survey before you can access your certificate. Upon completion of the survey, you can find your certificate within the My Academy's transcript page. You can select your preferred certificate based on the specific course. Please note: Your browser must allow "pop-ups" from * in order to print your certificate.

Pop-up Blocker

What is a Pop-up blocker and why must I disable it on Relias Academy?

Modern web browsers often default to blocking all pop-ups in order to suppress unwanted ads. Relias Academy does not use pop-up advertising; however several features require us to use pop-ups. In particular, viewing courses and printing certificates both require that pop-ups be allowed. Check with your browser creator for instructions on disabling pop-up blockers for Relias Academy. This will not affect your pop-up blocker on other sites.

Disability Assistance

What accommodations do you provide for persons with disabilities?

Please contact Relias Learning Support to inquire about available accommodations. Many of Relias Learning courses are 508 compliant and can be taken with assistive technology. Also course materials may be printed out and read to participants with visual impairments and some courses are accompanied by audio.

Course Questions

How can I contact a Faculty Member with a question about course content?

To contact a faculty member with questions about course content, use the link found in the details section associated with each course. Click on the following: "For Questions on course content: Email Instructor".

Course Delivery

What is the course delivery method and format?

Asynchronous Distance Learning with interactivity which includes quizzes with questions/answers, and posttests.

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